Co-Coaching, Cooperation and Conferences
We support our clients over extensive periods of time and under changing requirements. Integrating special expertise, new perspectives, 'power sparring' or short training sessions at specific points during the process can be very beneficial. To this end, three formats have been particularly successful:
- Co-coaching: during an ongoing coaching process, when needed, we call upon specific know-how provided by our Rooftop or network partners (for examples, see right)
- Collaboration: we work with our clients’ key internal/external contacts, e. in team processes, strategy meetings or as feedback providers
- Consultant conferences: on particular occasions, we link up with our clients’ various other professionally diverse consultants in order to add an extraordinary sparring partner and idea generator
Thematic examples for Co-Coaching
- Executive Assessment
- Speeches, interviews,
press conferences, AGM - Personality patterns
- Language and effect
- Mental training
- Stress and health