Top Team Coaching: From committee to top team
Demands placed on corporate governance have changed. Complete or parts of long-standing successful business models are up for discussion. New technologies and changing market patterns require clever and fearless responses. More and more directional decisions have to be made under uncertain conditions. A new generation of shareholders is increasing their influence; leadership by rank and decree is a concept that has become largely obsolete.
This is a situation that calls for powerful and courageous team play at top management level. Unfortunately enough, we find that the potential for team play at this level is often either underdeveloped or underutilized. We have also determined that this level is seldom inclined to invest in developing team capabilities, while at the same time there is widespread misconception regarding the quality of their team efforts.
In addition to the knowledge gained through our own experience from numerous Top Executive Coaching assignments, we have also conducted an extensive study with a large number of men and women in top positions. The evaluated data from these interviews has provided a clear picture of the specific features and obstacles we find at top level team play.
As a result, we were able to develop our Team Excellence Model with its tailored development program. We implement this program when accompanying groups on their way to becoming truly functional top executive teams.
- Types of collaboration
- Development of team competencies that cannot be achieved through individual performance
- Meeting of the board of directors: performance focus, work efficiency and quality of decision-making
- Productive benefits of diversity and conflict
- Integration of individual and team development